OLIVE, BRIAN - BOTH LPS! ( Blend of soulful R&B with raunchy garage & psych) Prod by Dan of the Black Keys- LP
ALIVEGet both of his albums for an amazing price. We want you to hear this one!
This is in our "WHY ISNT THIS GUY #1 ON THE CHARTS !" category. Get it, dont make me come over there! GET ONE!
Ex-Greenhornes guitarist & Soledad Brothers)
Henry Oliver (aka Brian Olive) is ex Soledad Brother and Greenhornes guitarist whose solo debut is a richly imbedded Stax-influenced late 60's, early 70's rock & roll circus. If you're a fan of the classics like I am, look no further, this is your album of 2009. - Electric Soul. "A pretty impressive self-produced affair that takes the trashy, rollicking, Brit invasion revivalist sound of his former groups and then injects a healthy dose of bluesy soul backbeats and N'awlins horns to the mix." - Other Music.
Following his 2009 self-titled debut , which was praised for skillfully blending soulful R&B with raunchy garage and psychedelia, Brian Olive takes us further on his latest full length “Two Of Everything”. Listeners will recognize a number of musical touchstones here (Night Tripper era Dr. John, Exuma, early Funkadelic, Canned Heat, West Coast psych, etc…) but the end result is completely Olive’s own, an insanely dynamic, soulful , psychedelically-rich summer album perfect for intergalactic flight, night visions, or voodoo rituals.
“Two Of Everything” was recorded and produced by both Olive and Dan Auerbach of The Black Keys at The Diamonds in Cincinnati, and Easy Eye Sound in Nashville and features a revolving cast of talent including long time right hand man Mike Weinel, Detroit psychedelic caveman David Shettler (SSM, the Sights), Daniel Allaire (Darker My Love), Jared McKinney (Greenhornes), and with Courtney Jaye, Leisa Han, Kari Kragness, and Sarah Benn on backing vocals. The hauntingly beautiful artwork is by Laura Dolan.