YOON YOUN SUN-Wing of Peace (S Korean 70s female trippy vocals) CD
World Psychedeliain some ways, this could be the female counterpart to Lee Jang Hee’s "Meet Me In a Room": first of all, it also features "best production and trip vocal."
It’s almost as if these were albums designed one to answer the other, with Yoon Youn Sun’s beautiful, brooding vocals breathing hope where before there was despair; then there are the retro-early 60’s touches that are reminiscent of French ye-ye music of the François Hardy, France Gall type, sultry, yet nurturing a languid innocence; in any case, this album by Yoon Youn Sun was not released in France in the 1960’s, it was released in Korea in 1972 (KLS-64), which makes Yoon Youn Sun a contemporary of Kim Jung Mi, all in all a good reference point; the record has several modes: there are duets with a male singer (all very tasty); the songs that groove the best (tracks five and six) occur when the cheesy farfisa organ gets involved; the second half of the record features more complex arrangements (a few strings find their way into the mix); it’s no surprise that Koreans like Greek music—some of these songs (track three for example) sound as though they could be Neo Kyma tracks from the Popi Asteriadi record previously issued by World Psychedelia, which is, of course, not a bad thing at all; then again, other tracks sound like early Selda material. One world, one music. Full-color discography included.